Teaching and touring! Holy Cow – I was here there and everywhere! VogueKnittng Live Seattle! VK always puts on a great event – you can count on it. Extra-special fun for me because it was in my hometown.. my cousin lives really close to our hotel .. Old friends and new! Super fun. I was lucky to have my friend Gudrun Johnston stay on and hang out with me and my mom….
How did I miss getting pictures of Cirilia? She met Gudrun and me in Columbia City for superb coffee, gave us thrifting tips, showed us around the Skacel offices..No pictures?..must have been having too much fun! (read Cirilia’s story on another dear PNW friend, Andrea Rangel here)..
I’ve become a walking fiend.. on the beach and in the woods…don’t even ask me about my new tiny friend fitbit!
I flew back just in time for Vogue Knitting Destinations Camden Maine…A really perfect weekend retreat – gorgeous weather! Amazing knitters – Sensational organizers, Doreen from VK and Michele Rose Orne from Swan’s Island Yarns. Read about it here, I got to participate with the group in a Swan’s Island natural dying workshop lead by head dyer Jackie Ottino-Graf who told great stories and showed us what to do.
The next weekend was my Color Immersion Workshop at wonderful Harrisville Designs, Harrisville New Hampshire. A fantastic location, fantastic classroom full of all the yarns we could possibly use and of course, fantastic students, so nice to have a couple of days to really get to know you!
What you don’t see? Crazy deadline knitting and final editing for both of my new books which you can pre-order!
Stay tuned! I’m a judge for THE FIBER FACTOR Challenge Number Two!
spreading cheer with your gorgeous smile every where!
You got me with old hair and new!
You’ve been busy!
Lovely!! Oh, I so wanted to get to the states in time to come to your Harrisville workshop 😉 it wasn’t to be but still hoping to come visit you one day soon! Can’t wait to hear more about your new book….
How fun. Love the visual roundup–so much color and such great settings.
Congrats on the two new books. Moss not growing on you!