Thank you to everyone who helped me get well! All your kind wishes really helped my recovery. I’m much much better. I can actually read! I can walk without having to take a nap right afterwards, or sleep the entire next day.
I’m really sorry about having to cancel so many events. I’m still very nervous about having a re-lapse, so I have to take it very easy. If I get too tired, or worn out I’ll have to look at my schedule and see if I am up to all my obligations. I know now, it is better to bow out if I’m feeling ill. I think that was the shocker for me, I didn’t really feel ill, until I was totally sick. I hope I’ve learned to notice the warning signs.
I’m going to try and blog a little so you know I’m not dead. Today is a celebration of boots! These were taken a couple of years ago at the annual sheep round-up and shearing on Nash Island Maine. The sheep are the ones that grow the fleece for Nash Island Light by Starcroft Fiber Mill, the yarn I used for my lace up pullover Nash Island.
In action!
I am so sorry this has dragged on forever! I think my sister must have had the same thing; she still is sleeping so much she can no longer schedule anything for the morning. But it must be particularly awful for you, since your work/income requires you to go places and then be “on.” Write lots of good patterns for us while we wait to see you!
I wish I could have felt well enough to write patterns…I couldn’t even knit! But I am doing some now thank goodness. Tell your sister to rest rest rest…you don’t want to, but it really is the only thing you can do…and eat well and drink lots of water!
So glad you have turned the corner! I am sure you were greatly missed, however, being healthy and sound is much more important! I hope that you continue to gain energy daily and are soon back and feeling fabulous!
Thank you!!! It’s easy to think I’m back at 100% only to find I’m not. So the new mantra is…if I feel tired there is a reason and I need to just take a nap if that is what I feel like!
Love this! We found my husband a great pair of Xtratuf boots on the beach in Cape Cod (both boots were there so we assumed it was a lost pair and not something more dire).
Xtratufs are the best, there was a run on the last batch before they started making them in China…wish they’d go back to being domestic. Sad story of corporate buyout 🙁
Last rubber boot maker in America no more.
We love you, MJ. Rest up and get your strength back – we’ll be patiently waiting for you.
Thanks Pat! I’m trying to pace myself…hard to do when your brain gets ahead of your body!
Thank heavens you are doing better, and you are right, it is very easy to relapse, so keep doing what you have been doing and we will keep our prayers and good thoughts flying.
We are patient, we are knitters.
Glad you are feeling better! Hope you are still taking it slow and steady.