May I sing the praises of Ravely? Where else does one meet friendly knitters and fiber folks on a daily basis, at your finger tips? I recently “met” the incomparable Deb Robson, she of Nomad Press, Spin Off, Interweave Press, woman for all seasons really, editor, artist, designer, knitter, spinner, author…holy cow…she does it all.
When Deb learned that I lost almost all my books in a house fire, an event she could personally relate to; she lost over a 1,000 books in a flood several years ago; she generously offered to help restock my book stash with almost the whole collection of Nomad Press Books! So generous, I got teary, and when I opened the box of books…a big gulp of gratitude. What gems these books are.
Three are by the grand dame of traditional knitting, Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. Two which had burned: Simple Socks and Knitting in the Old Way, the new and improved edition; a must in every knitting library, I’m so happy to have them again! New to me is Spinning in the Old Way…oh dear…drop spindle joy, described in detail… another spinning temptress that one…
Discovery! Exploration! These books just shout out my kind adventure. Two titles in a series called Ethnic Knitting, by Donna Druchunas, covering knitting traditions from around the globe, they’re especially well written, with scholarly introductions followed by clear and inspiring how-tos. Earlier this year Nomad Press had an online blog “book tour”,which you can still follow for a further look. The only book in my gift box not pictured above, is Donna’s book Arctic Lace, which a friend persuaded me to lend to her. I was reluctant because of the book’s ‘light your lace knitting on fire mojo’ and it’s travelogue element as Donna delves into the history of Native Alaskan knitting and describes what’s happening today. I wanted to read it on the spot, needles in hand! I relented because I heard you can’t put it down once you start it, and I have several projects I should be knitting…not reading…so now there are only 5 new books to distract me.
Thank You Deb!
Wow! What a selection to curl and by the fire and read.
ah, that’s great. i love arctic lace….when you have time you’ll get to it.
Before I became a knitter, I lost many belongings in a fire. It’s a terrible feeling. I’m glad you are able to replace some of the books.
It was so nice to meet you on Sat. at String Theory! Your designs are so much fun.
Hope to see you again soon!
You are most welcome.
I still haven’t replaced most of the books I lost, but friends have helped me return a number of critical volumes to my shelves. It matters, and I’m delighted to pass along that kind of energy.
Your work is lovely, and if these books will do a bit to mend the loss and support your creativity it’s my pleasure to help out.