Meet Storrhedder – a perfect hat for the season! Two versions for two different moods – a simple beanie or a slouchy beanie. It’s a great beginning colorwork project because the choice of pattern motifs progresses from super simple to more complex. The slouchy version has a bit more challenge, as it includes a “kross og kringle” or cross and circle pattern found on the traditional sweaters of the Setedal Valley region of Norway. In fact I named the pattern after a place that you can hike to in that area which has 1,000 year old runes carved into the rock, a trip I’d love to make.
If you wanted, you could follow the chart upside down to have the XO pattern at the beginning – for either version. That way the challenge is at the start and you can leave the easier stuff for the end, for knitting and mini-series binging with subtitles…if you wanted to.
I’ve been wearing my Storhedder slouchy beanie all through Maine’s “coldest February on record”. Did you see our policeman throwing water and making instant snow? I also took Storhedder along with me to a knitting designer’s retreat in Vermont last weekend. I know…leave Maine for the snows of Vermont?
But it was great to hang out by the fire with like-minded friends – silver and gold, new friends and old. And it was the first time this winter I got to spend time with my fine friend and traveling buddy Gudrun Johnston (wearing a Wilma Malcomson hat). Our trips to Shetland are filled for 2015, but we have a wait list for both The Summer Adventure and Wool Week trip. We’ve also started a list for those who would like information on our 2016 trips when it comes out late in the year. Zip over to The Shetland Trader and let us know if you would like to be put on any of the lists and which ones.
Students who’ve taken my Scandinavian Colorwork class may recognize Storhedder as a couple of versions of our class sample. You can all finally add your project to Ravelry with a proper name! I’ll be teaching this class next here in Portland Maine at A Gathering of Stitches March 21 and in April at Vogue Knitting Live Pasadena 2015 – April 17 – 19. Hope I see some of you at either of these events.
And mini-series binging? I’m watching Fortitude…not all of the season is out so it is only a partial binge…it is filmed in Iceland – worth it for the scenery alone. And the town of Fortitude is based on a community in the Norwegian arctic islands of Svalbard…so Storhedder is perfect knitting!
What are you binge-watching this winter?
Another colour beauty!
I’ve been watching Borgen this winter, knitting Gudrun’s Little Wave.
Thanks Luisa! I love Little Wave…I’m making one of her Haps…for her hap-along!
Borgen looks good…maybe I’ll try that next. I’m liking the Danish shows I’ve seen.
Started watching Fortitude Sunday on Danish TV, but it just doesn’t catch…..
Borgen, that’s a Danish series…. but never watched it
However there is a new series aired – not sure of the English name (Murder without borders????) Mord uden grænser, that has caught my attention while knitting pieces/creations to a yarnbombing event
Yes Fortitude is really slow…but I don’t mind slow. I like to notice the sets…I’ve spotted two images of the Titanic hanging on walls. Sometimes it seems a little silly…but then the scenery gets me… Ice, black sand, majestic mountainsides! I’ll have to track down, Mord uden grænser, but some are hard to find. I really really wanted to see the Danish version of The Killing but even the DVD won’t play in the US. Gudrun and I thought we’d lucked out in Paris where it was on Netflix…but it was only with French subtitles!! So we watched Orphan Black instead!
I want to hear more about your Yarnbombing Event!!