Teaching at Slater Mill was fun as always. The most wonderful fun loving students, all very accomplished and talented. See what Amber made? Stunning! Then she went home and made one in the reverse colorway.
Next color class will be at Webs that mecca of yarny wonder!
Susan Dean says
Your class was so much fun, and I wish I could be sending you something wonderful
like Amber did, but don’t give up, it will be coming soon! Anyway, it was a really fun day in a wonderful place, and I absolutely loved seeing all your
Ellen says
Let’s all start wearing cuffs. They make me smile.
mjmucklestone says
Susan, it was so nice meeting you, so glad you had a good time, and remember speed isn’t the important thing about knitting!
Ellen…I was wearing cuffs on my ankles yesterday, my legs were so cold… an even more exciting trend perhaps.
mjmucklestone says
I think some comments got deleted … Bridget wondered what the reverse colorway looked like and here’s a rav-rav-ravelry link:
mary mcmahon says
Mary jane, I have finally started the Luke’s diced Vest….what a great pattern! I am using some Harrisville and J&S yarn…trying to get as close as possible to your original colors…they are a knockout. I am making the vest as my DH’s christmas present. I have found out that if you start really early, you only have to do 1-2 rows a day to get it done on time and he will never see it. The only color problems might be the light and dark aqua shades…I have some discontinued Harrisville colors which are perfect…just hope they last throughout the whole garment. I was in your Fiber College FI sock class ans really enjoyed meeting you. Mary McMahon in Cincinnati
Susan Voegtly "CintiSue" says
Those wristlets are so happy!!! (OK, they make me feel hapy to look at them! Could your put the pattern on your web site? I am in snowy Cincinnati and I am having a ball with a simple fair isle hat (2 yarns both variegated from Lorna’s Laces) and the wristlets look like a further challenge! I have one of your former students (who commented above) for advice. If the pattern is a part of another pattern, that info would be great. Thanks!
mjmucklestone says
Hi Susan, I’m busy at work on a book, but once that is done I’ll put the pattern on the website ok?
mjmucklestone says
Hi Susan, I’m so glad they make you happy! They make me happy too. I’m busy at work on a book, but once that is done I’ll put the pattern on the website ok?
mjmucklestone says
Hi Mary, the great thing about Fair Isle knitting is that it isn’t the end of the world if you run out of a color or a dyelot, it gives you a chance to make something even more unique. Luke’s Diced Vest has a couple of “breaks” in the pattern, first a tiny peerie and then the reverse colorway, both places would be a natural spot to introduce or change colors. I’m so glad you are enjoying the knitting!
Hi Susan, I’m so glad the wristlets make you happy! They make me happy too. I’m busy at work on a book, but once that is done I’ll put the pattern on the website ok?
Heaven says
Home run! Great slguingg with that answer!