What better way to introduce you to the talent which is Fiber College than to have a Blog Tour. Here is the line up:
Monday July 25 Beth Brown-Reinsel http://knittingtraditions.com/blog/
Tuesday July 26 Mary Jane Mucklestone http://maryjanemucklestone.com/
Wednesday July 27 Amy Herzog http://www.amyherzogdesigns.com/blog/
Thursday July 28 Ellen Mason http://odacier.blogspot.com/
Friday July 29 Gale Zucker http://ezisus.blogspot.com/
There will be GIVEAWAYS, classes and passes!
Fiber College is held September 8-11, 2011 the perfect time to visit Maine.
I wish I could come!!! Sounds fabulous! But, not great timing with the beginning of school.
Next year. I’m sure I could wangle another trip across the pond!
Wow, it’ so beautiful, where you are… yes, i agree, next year! Enjoy yourself xx
PS The photo of the sails coming around the bend is very captivating!
This looks lovely – can’t wait to start the tour next week!
Did I mention I preordered your book? Can’t wait!
The portuguese girls were just mentioning today: “maybe next year?”
I hope we can make it, I’m sure it would be great fun! ;o)
oh yes, for those of you who can’t make it this year start making plans for next year!
Speaking of next year, how does one propose a class for jurying? Fiber College looks like great fun.