If we look at little like deer in the headlights, understand we were up at 4am in order to make it to the TV station in time!
Fiber College is providing a tent for me Friday through Sunday, and I’m bringing a couch and chairs for those who want to just stop by and hang out and knit. I should be there most of the time I’m not teaching, during the same hours that the Shopper’s Boulevard is open.
Here’s what Fiber College says about the program:
Thursday This year’s Fiber College event will get a kickoff from the second annual Knitmaine-ia fashion show Thursday, Sept. 8 at 4.30 p.m (right after FC classes get out). The event, organized by the Women of St. Margaret’s (Belfast) and Fiber College, will showcase a fantastic variety of handknitted and crocheted garments and accessories.
Tickets are $10, which includes a wine and cheese reception to follow at “The Studio” and should be purchased in advance at Heavenly Socks, 82 Main St., Belfast; Fiddlehead Artisan Supply, 159 High St., Belfast; or Searsport Shores Campground. Knitmaine-ia, which is likely to sell out, will benefit New Hope for Women. For more information on the annual event call 548-6059.
Afterward, you’re invited a cocktail party to celebrate Artist in Residence Mary Jane Mucklestone and introduce you to the fiber exhibit of this year’s instructors…then we laugh and sing at a good, old-fashioned Hootenanny (so bring your instrument) .
Friday you’re invited to the Potluck Supper in the Rec Hall (We’ll roast the turkeys and provide the place settings), followed by a Fiber Swap (do you remember the Bridal sale at Filene’s Basement?). Then sit by the fire and knit, spin, quilt or weave with others who simply want to enjoy an talking about patterns, colors techniques and life.
Saturday night there’s a show and tell and special drinks booth before the sit down dinner and slide show lecture by designer Mary Jane Mucklestone. The dinner and the lecture are free to any student who has signed up for two or more classes. (Or you can purchase a dinner/lecture ticket for $15)
On Sunday we always hate to say goodbye…so we’ll linger in the afternoon with a fresh, homemade dessert and coffee. We hope that you’ll sit down and exchange contact information…this is the final gathering of instructors, students, vendors and volunteers…usually we spend our time planning for next year…
The Classes:
Fiber College is dedicated to enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you’re looking for an introductory class or wanting to perfect your technique, with over 50 classes, there’s something at Fiber College for you. Most classes are 2 to 4 hours in length and cost $59 to $79 each. With bargains like these, why not take several and learn new skills for the long winter months ahead? Class sizes are limited. You are also welcome to attend the college, shop the boulevard and participate in the free demonstrations without taking a class.
See you soon!
PS My book won’t be out till October, but those who take my classes will get a sneak preview!
Oooo, sneak preview? Can’t wait to see what is in store for those of us who have pre-ordered!
Oooh, have a blast and give Ellen a hug from me!
Hi Mary Jane: SO enjoyed your class and looking forward to working with you on the CURLING piece!!!