They said “you’ve got 3 takes”, so who worries about a script? Ahem…there is actually only one take. It is such a fun “small town” affair at Bangor’s WABI Tv…really nice people, why is it when the cameras turn on I freeze like a deer in the headlights…and exactly how many cameras are there, and where are they? I cringe seeing myself, want to dive under the table, even so, the whole thing was fun.
Luckily they edited the part where I picked lint off the host.
Sadly they edited the part where I described the class I want to take:
Elizabeth Green Musselman’s Knitting Our History class
“Let’s use our hands to explore the history of knitting. The craft of knitting has evolved in such fascinating ways over the centuries. In this class you will learn some historical knitting and proto-knitting techniques (for example, naalbinding, Guernsey patterning) and practice these techniques on a sampler hat. You will also receive a small packet of readings in advance of the course so that we can discuss knitting’s history together as we do our handwork.”
Knitting and history simultaneously, what could be better!
As you know I’ll be teaching Fair Isle Sock Project, where you can design your own or practice by making socks I designed just for Fiber College.
I’ll also be teaching a special Styling Your Handknits for Photography. In this fun class you’ll learn to how to develop your eye, so you can take the best pictures for various applications; project shots for Ravelry, storytelling shots for your blog, detail shots for self published patterns, memory shots and mood shots for family and flickr. Train your eye to really see!
Sign up for Fiber College here.
Oh yes, there was also a nice little piece on Fiber College in our local online newspaper, The Village Soup.
That is the beach at Fiber College on the right, the weather is predicted to be perfect. See you there.
There was a moose in my yard!
I’ll be getting some more Scotland pictures up here I promise, but later today check on my flickr page I should have some up.
You’re a lint-picking Rock Star!
Ha! I wish I could see the lint picking moment. 😉 You guys make Fiber College sound like so much fun, and how nice of the TV to do a spot.
OOOOHHH! I am almost up for another trip! But really still recovering from Knit UK and delivery of last born to college. Maybe next year. Come to Vermont sometime, we have wooly stuff here too. And moose. Today my corgis herded turkeys. Lots of them. I don’t encourage moose herding. Susan
I think it was great! Yeah for the news for having a spot about it, and I must concur that you are a “knitting rockstar”
Oh, so fun! Someday I will go to Fiber College!
fortunately or un, I have spent my vacation on an island in the penobscot bay. I would have loved it but you and I will see each other in another knitting Maine.Perhaps at Helens’s I would have loved Halcyons but it is during the work week for us nurses….hope to see you thru the winter somewhere.
Thank you for mentioning my class, Mary Jane! It was kind of you to try even if they did cut it out. I had such fun with you today.
I was so happy I got to take it! My daughter has already swiped my wristlett!